THE COASTAL PACKET: Fishing crew find lobster with Pepsi imprint

Thursday, November 30

Fishing crew find lobster with Pepsi imprint

Independent, UK - A lobster with the Pepsi logo imprinted on its claw has been discovered, sparking concern over the amount of debris littering the oceans.

The creature was found by a lobster fishing crew off the coast of Grand Manan in New Brunswick, Canada.

Karissa Lindstrand, who reportedly drinks 12 cans of Pepsi a day, spotted the lobster as it was loaded into crate to be banded.

“It seemed more like a tattoo or a drawing on the lobster rather than something growing into it.”

Ms Lindstrand said she had never seen debris branded onto a sea creature in her four years of fishing off the Grand Manan coast.

“This tells me there is a lot of garbage in the ocean, if that's what's happening to the lobsters we get out from the water,” she said.

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