THE COASTAL PACKET: How repealing Obamacare would affect Maine

Friday, December 9

How repealing Obamacare would affect Maine

Center on Budget & policy Priorities

In Maine, repeal means the loss of $388 million in federal marketplace spending in 2019 and $4.2 billion between 2019 and 2028. Maine would lose $41 million in federal Medicaid funding in 2019 and $498 million between 2019 and 2028. In addition, the growth in the number of uninsured residents would increase demand for uncompensated care by $1.1 trillion nationwide between 2019 and 2028.

Assuming fixed federal spending on uncompensated care, state and local governments and health care providers would have to bear this cost. 95,000 fewer people in Maine would have health insurance in 2019 if the Aff ordable Care Act  is repealed, new Urban Institute estimates show. 

Republican policymakers plan to move quickly in January to repeal much of the health reform law without enacting a replacement. This would cause families in Maine to go without needed health care and expose them to financial risk. Nationally, most of the coverage loss would occur among families with at least one worker and among people without college degrees, doubling the number of uninsured and leaving a higher share of people uninsured than before the ACA. Repealing the ACA without putting in place an adequate replacement plan that ensures a ordable coverage would take health coverage away from 29.8 million people nationwide by 2019, more than doubling the total number of uninsured to 58.7 million, the Urban Institute estimates.

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