THE COASTAL PACKET: Moose on the loose in Camden

Tuesday, February 16

Moose on the loose in Camden

Bangor Daily News - A moose on the loose  in the Knox Mill Center generated excitement in town before it was sedated, transported and set free  in the Ruffingham Meadow State Game Management Area in Searsmont.

The 500-pound cow moose apparently wandered into the building about 8:30 a.m. through an open back door used by Sage Market. Its lumbering bulk was a shock to staff and residents of the mixed-use complex on the Megunticook River formerly used by credit card company MBNA.

“You can’t make this stuff up,” said Lt. Randy Gagne of the Camden Police Department. “I’ve chased moose all over town, but I’ve never had one go into a building. You don’t see that every day.”

Jim Connolly, regional wildlife biologist for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, said the 2½-year-old cow moose may have been walking in the woods along the river before it blundered into the mill building.

“Sometimes they just get following a stream and end up where they shouldn’t be,” Connolly said.


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