THE COASTAL PACKET: New census data finds Maine older and whiter

Thursday, June 25

New census data finds Maine older and whiter

Press Herald - Population data by the U.S. Census Bureau continues to paint a portrait of Maine as a graying state lacking in diversity... Maine saw the largest increase in median age of all states – 43.9 to 44.2 from 2013 to 2014... Maine saw a modest 0.12 percent gain in population, with most of the growth coming in southern and coastal counties. Maine’s population grew from 1.328 million to 1.33 million from 2013 to 2014, according to Census data. photo-store

Maine is second only to Florida in percentage of population over age 65, at 18.3 percent. In Florida, 19.1 percent of the population falls into the 65-and-older category.

Nationwide, the new Census data shows millennials – those born from 1982 to 2000 – now number 83.1 million and make up a quarter of the country’s population. There are roughly 300,000 millennials in Maine, or 22.6 percent of the population.

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